Spadafora Realty

How Much are Closing Fees When you Buy a Property in Italy?

Closing Fees Property Italy

One of the first questions buyers encounter when purchasing real estate is, “What’s your budget?” While some may know the answer right away, for others it’s not so easy, mainly because in addition to your down payment there are other costs to consider.

In Italy, your down payment can range anywhere from 20% for residents to 40% for non-residents, and this percentage depends on the type of mortgage you’re able to obtain. Banks will consider your source of income, the amount, and the currency along with other parameters to determine what you qualify for. As an alternative to conventional bank mortgages, Spadafora Realty has partnered with private lenders to provide financing with 70% LTV and 2% to 3% APR for up to 30 years for our clients.

3 Main Closing Costs

When purchasing a home, there are three main closing costs to consider and these include: (1) agency fees, (2) notary fees, and (3) transfer taxes. In Italy, agency fees are a standard 3-4% depending on the value of the property, while notary fees range from 1,500 to 5,000 euro, in accordance with the property type and location. Notary fees can reach up to as much as 6,000 euro if the buyer decides to transcribe the preliminary agreement into the public records. Doing so, makes the agreement enforceable against 3rd parties, protecting the deposit and ensuring the seller cannot sell the property to another buyer during escrow.

Real estate transfer taxes, also known as stamp duties or registration tax, range from 2% to 9% of the fiscal value of the home; the fiscal value is usually almost half of the selling price. If you’re buying a vacation home or an investment property and don’t plan on living there for the majority of the year, you’ll pay roughly 5% of the selling price in registration taxes.

If, on the other hand, you plan on moving to Italy and declare to transfer your residency within 18 months of purchasing, you can take advantage of the reduced registration tax of 2% as a “First Home Bonus”. Buyers also pay some other minor local taxes, “imposta ipotecaria” and “imposta catastale” which amount to roughly €50 each. Young home buyers under the age of 35, though, can benefit from the Italian government’s no tax incentive to bypass transfer taxes all together!

In the event you’re applying for a mortgage, other cost to factor in are mortgage fees. Banks charge loan origination fees, which are approximately 0.5% to 1% of the loan, and mortgage broker’s fees range between 2% and 3%.

How Much Are Closing Costs

In total, expect your closing costs to run 6% to 10% of the purchase price. Often these added fees affect how much cash you need to have upfront in addition to the down payment. It’s important to note, in general, banks do not finance closing fees in the loan.

When are Closing Fees Due?

With an approved offer, some closing fees are due right away. According to the Italian civil code, agency fees are due upon the signing of the preliminary agreement. Plus, if the buyer chooses to transcribe the preliminary agreement into public record these fees are also due. At the close of escrow, any remaining notary fees must be paid along with the registration taxes. In Italy, the notary collects the registration taxes and pays them on your behalf.

How Much Are Property Taxes?

As an added note, we commonly hear people mistake Italy for having high property taxes. This is incorrect. Depending on location and property type, property taxes are very low and range between 0.2% to 0.5% of the purchase price. This is lower than the European average and less than half of the 1.1% US average. Moreover, if you choose to reside in Italy, unless you purchase a so-called “luxury property”, you won’t pay any property taxes on your primary residence! The notary will provide you with a timeline of when to pay these taxes.

To buy a real estate in Italy, send us an email to [email protected] or fill out our Property Search request form to find you your dream home or investment property and assist you through the buying process.

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