Spadafora Realty

This page is visible through the link at the bottom of all the website’s pages pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and following the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Italian Official Gazette No. 126 of June 3, 2014 and the related register of measures No. 229 of May 8, 2014, as well of the following guidelines referred to in the GDPR. 

Use of cookies

In order to make our services as efficient and simple as possible, this Website ( uses cookies. Therefore, when visiting the Site, a minimum amount of information is entered into the User’s device, such as small text files called “cookies”, which are saved in the User’s Web browser directory. There are different types of cookies, but basically the main purpose of a cookie is to make the site work more effectively and to enable certain features.

Cookies are used to improve the User’s global navigation. In particular:

  • They allow efficient browsing from one page of the website to another.
  • Memorize the username and preferences entered.
  • They allow you to avoid entering the same information (such as username and password) several times during the visit.
  • They measure the use of services by Users, to optimize the browsing experience and the services themselves.
  • They present targeted advertising information according to the interests and behavior expressed by the User during navigation.

There are various types of cookies. Below are listed  the types of cookies that can be used on the Site with a description of the purpose linked to the use.

Technical cookies

Cookies of this type are necessary for the proper functioning of some areas of the site. Cookies in this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies. In the absence of such cookies, the site or some parts of it may not work properly. Therefore, they are always used, regardless of user preferences. Cookies in this category are always sent from our domain.

Analytical cookies

Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the site. The Owner uses this information for statistical analysis, to improve the site and simplify its use, as well as to monitor its correct functioning. This type of cookie collects anonymous information on the activity of users on the site and the way in which they arrived at the site and the pages visited. Cookies in this category are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.

Third-party tracking cookies

Cookies of this type are used to collect information on the use of the website by visitors, the keywords used to reach the site, the websites visited and the origins of the traffic from which visitors come for marketing campaigns. The owner may use this information to compile reports and improve the Site. Cookies collect information in an anonymous form. Cookies of this type are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains.

Cookies for the integration of third-party functionality

Cookies of this type are used to integrate third-party functionality on the Site (for example, forms for comments or icons of social networks that allow visitors to share the content of the site). Cookies in this category can be sent from the domains of partner sites or that still offer the features on the site. The Owner is not required to request the user’s consent for technical cookies, as these are strictly necessary for the provision of the service. For other types of cookies, the consent may be expressed by the User, in accordance with current legislation, through specific browser configurations and computer programs or devices that are easy and clear usability for the user. The Data Controller reminds the User that it is possible to change the cookie preferences at any time. It is also possible to disable analytical cookies at any time, or for detection by third parties or for the integration of third-party functionality from the browser, without this operation preventing the User from using the Website.

Third-party websites

The site contains links to other Web sites that have their own privacy policy. These privacy policies may be different from that adopted by Owner, which therefore is not responsible for third-party sites. Pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and the subsequent directive contained by the GDPR the consent to the use of these cookies is expressed by the individual through the individual setting that has freely chosen for the browser used to navigate the site, without prejudice to the user’s right to communicate at any time to the Owner his will regarding data managed through cookies that the browser has accepted.

FURTHERMORE, in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data and in particular of art. 13 TU privacy code as subsequently amended and of articles 13 and 14 GDPR we inform you that:

1) the data supplied by you are processed exclusively for marketing and for company promotion purposes. The data are transmitted electronically and processed in written form on an data carrier and held at our field office in Bolzano;

2) not providing the consent will result in the immediate cancellation from our newsletter and the inability for Spadafora Realty to continue sending information material periodically;

3) your data are collected from us and will not be disclosed to third parties either in Italy or abroad, they are held in compliance with current legislation and technical specifications foreseen for the security and prevention of theft and loss.

4) the data will be processed until 2022 at the end of this period we will ask you to renew your consent so that you can continue to use our information.

5) the processing of data will take place through appropriate tools to ensure security and confidentiality, and it may also be performed through automated tools able to store, manage and transmit the data always within the company;

6) with regard to the data themselves, each interested party can exercise the rights provided for by the art. 13 of the TU about Personal Data Protection and by Articles 13 and 14 GDPR and precisely: the interested party will be able to access personal data at any time, request rectification or cancellation of the same or limitation of the processing that concerns him; he/she may oppose the processing or portability of data; the interested party may revoke the consent and propose a complaint to the supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor).

 7) holder of the treatment is Spadafora Realty, Via Cologna 8, 39100 Bolzano. Email:; Tel. 0039 348 5303092.

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